Here’s a brand new AC air filter. Here’s one after a month of use. Here’s one that has been in for 3 months. See a difference? It is important to change out your AC filters regularly. Its about a $10-$20/month investment that is definitely worth making. Better yet, get your AC system serviced and cleaned at least a once a year in addition to monthly filter changes and you’ll be…
Amazing Atmosphere
Make Them All the Same!
When it comes to recessed lighting in your home, it is best if you have the same bulb type and wattage in each. The light in the room will be more balanced for it! If you can’t replace all of them immediately, focus on your main…
Open Sesame!
Blinds should be open or up altogether for showings. Most people like light. As for drapes, if you have an old house and they’ve been there for some time, best to remove them. Otherwise, keep them as open and clean as possible. -excerpt from Show…
Don’t Have Drafty Ducts
Next time you have your AC serviced, make sure they check your ducts too. You don’t want to be cooling your attic or allowing anything other than air in them!
Make Sure They Are All On … And Working!
The other day my housekeeper asked if I wanted her to replace the burned out bulb in the bathroom. “It’s out?” I asked. And as I walked into the room, sure enough one of the three bulbs was not lit. I didn’t even notice it.…
Check Your Temperature!
What’s happening outside shouldn’t affect what’s happening inside when you have a house showing. Whether you are battling the heat of summer or the frigid temperatures of winter it’s important that you adjust your thermostat accordingly. Being in your home should be a pleasant experience…
Good Scents!
This is one that most of us miss. It’s how our homes smell. That is because it’s very easy to get accustomed to the smell of a place when you are living there. However, when someone comes in for the first time they are much…
20 Things that Should NOT be at your Front Entrance for Showings
Here’s a list of everyday things that distract or concern prospective buyers as they are coming to your front door. Any newspaper/phone book. If they are wet, it’s even more important that they are gone. Anything with wheels. This includes skateboards, roller skates/blades, scooters and…