20 Things to Tackle!

Tackle any of these and it will make you feel better and your house show better.

  1. Linens/Towels.  If they’re torn or shredding, time to get rid of them.
  2. Shoes. Let them go if they are too worn, too painful or just too “what was I thinking?”
  3. Tupperware. They will never get organized if you keep throwing them in the cabinet.
  4. Games. As your children grow up the games they play sometimes change. This is a great one to pass on to someone else.
  5. Clothes. Assess what you wear versus what you don’t… and never will.
  6. CD’s and DVD’s. I had a friend give a donation of all her DVD’s to a non-profit organization. It was a benefit all around!
  7. Jewelry. Classic never goes out of style. It’s the “today’s fashion”that you have to be honest about.
  8. Coats. It’s worth going through it at least once a year.
  9. Handbags. Not your style anymore? Donate. Sell. Exchange. Give away…and the list goes on.
  10. Decorations. Some of us have a room full and some of us have a box full. Either way, know what you have so you can enjoy it when the holiday is here.
  11. Arts/Crafts. If the glue is petrified and the glitter doesn’t move in the bottle, time for some clean up.
  12. Tools. How many times have you asked – Where is the screwdriver? Here’s your opportunity to always know where it is.
  13. Pool Equipment. Out and about on your pool deck is the last place for these.
  14. Pantry. It would be good to go through and check expiration dates periodically.
  15. Electronics. I suggest one drawer or bin for all cords, adapters and chargers.
  16. Makeup. Mascara is not the only thing that needs to be changed out periodically.
  17. Toys. Do your kids play with it any more?
  18. Junk Drawer. We all have one.
  19. Mail. Don’t let it pile up. If it isn’t necessary, shred or trash.
  20. Your kid’s bedrooms. What a great opportunity to show your child how to keep up with their own things.

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